Slit Lamp Series – Demodex Mites

November 3, 2023By Martin Conway First Prize GSLS Photo Competition Contamac is pleased to welcome Marco Tovaglia as a guest contributor to Global Insight. Marco is a respected author and…

Putting the Latest Soft Contact Lens Research to Practice

October 27, 2023By Thibaud Syre Introduction In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic wrought significant havoc on our healthcare system and daily lives. The implementation of public health measures, aimed at safeguarding…

Streamlining Material Selection

October 27, 2023Advance Medical announces the integration of Contamac materials data into FocalPoints software. Earlier in October 2023, Advance Medical announced their collaboration with Contamac in their FocalPoints software. Read…

The Other Side of Myopia: A Wicked Health Problem

August 31, 2023By Jennifer Meerding Over the years, we have come to know a lot more about myopia, its aetiology and the sight-threatening conditions high myopia is associated with. Research…

Jon Goldstone – Head of Systems and Technology

August 31, 2023Please describe your role: I look after and am responsible for every aspect of IT at Contamac. A very varied role considering the plethora of IT equipment and…

10 Вещей, Я жалею что не Знала

August 22, 2023 Ольга Селина Сегодня я состоявшийся врач, специалист по контактной коррекции зрения. Иногда я думаю, что бы я сказала себе более молодой, которая заканчивает медицинский университет и вступает…

Вернуть Контроль над Управлением Миопии

July 17, 2023 Мартин Конвей В последнее время я много занимался детализацией разработок в области склеральных линз и, одновременно, необходимостью образовательных ресурсов для поддержания их более широкого использования. Я полагаю,…

Not a Steep Learning Curve

Using OC-SAG Data to Assess the Suitability For Soft Lens Wear June 23, 2023 By Gerard Smits Introduction This lens fit appears like a complex case, with at least three…